The quaint town of Beachport boasts a trendy shopping event called the Beachport Street Market. Come here with your entire family to explore this charming seaside community of Beachport.
Whether you love to shop, eat or relax, the area of Beachport has everything you will need for a relaxing weekend away.
Beachport Street Market, 2026 Dates, Stalls, Times & Duck Race, SA
Every year seems to get bigger and better, so grab a coffee and Lion’s doughnut, wander, listen to some tunes and soak up the vibrant atmosphere! The smell of the sausage sizzle is sure to appeal to the senses, too.
The Annual Duck Race in January is after the markets, from 2:30pm at the Lake of Siloam. Purchase ducks for $5 each.
Temporary road closures
Residents and visitors to the town are advised that Railway Terrace (from Foster Street to Beach Road) Beachport will be closed to traffic from 7:30am to 3pm to facilitate this event.
Note: No dogs are allowed in the market area unless they are service dogs.
This fun-filled event encourages families to join, so bring your family.
Just a general question.
What is the market day schedule for February as we are looking to visit Mount Gambier in the month of Feb?
Please advise.
Hi There,
You can find a list of the Mount Gambier markets on our market page here.
Kind regards,
Hi, just wondering if you have any space left for the 2nd January Market?
Hi Carol, thanks for your email.
We are not the administrators of this event, however you can contact the Wattle Ranges Council directly to see if there are any spots left for the Beachport Market Day on the 2nd of January 2016.
Their email address is: [email protected] or you can call them on: (08) 8733 0900.
Good luck with the market in January!
Holiday Point